Lodge a complaint

Complaints can be lodged with the League Executive Committee through the following process:

  1. Fill out the Dundas Premiere League “Bitching and Moaning” form, sections 37c – 29h. Be as descriptive as possible. The form is available for pick-up from the League office on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, between the hours of 10:34am and 10:37am.
  2. Scan your original copy into your computer, and then print 4 additional copies of the form, on Legal-sized (8 1/2″ x 14″), premium uncoated ledger paper stock.
  3. Place the 4 copies in separate standard letter-sized envelopes, without folding the form. Retain the original copy for yourself.
  4. Arrange, at your cost, for a same-day courier to deliver a copy to each member of the League Executive Committee, to be delivered between the hours of 1pm and 1:03pm, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Any submissions received outside the established delivery window will be rejected.

Any complaints filed that do not follow the above process will be circulated to all League participants for public shaming and ridicule.

The League Executive Committee will review all complaints on the 3rd Monday of each month. All rulings by the Committee are final, and are unlikely to favour someone who lodges a complaint.